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Iraq, 2003-2020: From Invasion to Revolution
June 17, 2020 Time: 4:00 pm UTC+0

Iraq, 2003-2020: From Invasion to Revolution
Legitimacy and Citizenship in the Arab World
17 June 2020In July of 2003, Haddad and Antoon were part of a collective that visited Baghdad to film About Baghdad (2004) a documentary about Iraqi lives under dictatorship and military occupation. In the seventeen years since, Iraqis have lived through military occupation, terrorism, sectarian violence, and massive corruption. But they have pushed back and protested against a corrupt political system that has degraded their lives. Their anger exploded in the October Uprising of 2019, which called for an end to seventeen years of corruption. Iraqi youth are demanding a new, non-sectarian, sovereign Iraq. The speakers will discuss these recent developments and their genealogy and show and reflect on clips from the documentary they co-directed.
This event is part of the Legitimacy and Citizenship in the Arab World which is is funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
The event is co-organised with the Arab Studies Institute.

Dr Sinan Antoon
Dr Sinan Antoon is associate professor at New York University’s Gallatin School. He is award-winning and widely-celebrated novelist and poet who was born and raised in Baghdad. He was educated at Georgetown and Harvard where he obtained a doctorate in Arabic Literature in 2006. The English translation of his book The Book of Collateral Damage was published as by Yale University Press in 2019.

Dr Bassam Haddad
Bassam Haddad is Director of the Middle East and Islamic Studies Program and Associate Professor at the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University. He is also the Executive Director of the Arab Studies Institute and the Founding Editor of the Knowledge Production Project and the Arab Studies Journal.

Dr Rim Turkmani
Dr Rim Turkmani is the principal investigator of the research project Legitimacy and citizenship in the Arab world project and the research director of the Syria conflict research programme at LSE IDEAS at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
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Lebanon needs the rule of law, not the rule of sect
By Dr Jinan Al-Habbal
One of our research strands is the examination of the lack of independence in the judiciary and its impact on hindering accountability and democracy in Lebanon. This research is led by Dr Jinan Al-Habbal who summarises her work in this blog.