Legitimacy and Citizenship in the Arab World
LSE Policy research projectAdnan Samman
Communication consultant
Adnan Samman is a Communication consultant at the Legitimacy and Citizenship in the Arab World program at LSE and a researcher with the Aleppo Project at Central European University in Budapest and Vienna. Adnan’s work mainly revolves around the representation of conflict in art, film, design and urban environment. In late 2018, he founded the platform Syria Before 2011, an online archive that aims to document and preserve Syria’s modern history, people and the events that led to 2011 through handpicked photographs and films, mostly taken by tourists.
Adnan volunteered with the Refugee Phrasebook between 2016-2017, overseeing the development of the project’s database and website. In 2016, Refugee Phrasebook won the Prix Ars Electronica Award of Distinction for “Digital Communities”, an honour previously won by Wikileaks in 2009.
Adnan manages the web site of our project, organises events and designs the outputs.

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