Legitimacy and Citizenship in the Arab World
LSE Policy research projectMazen Gharibah
Research Associate
Mazen Gharibah is Research Associate at the Conflict and Civil Society Research Unit in the Department of International Development at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is part of the Syria Team in the Conflict Research Programme at the Unit.
Gharibah’s work focuses on public policies, legitimacy, elections, the role of civil society and governance during and in post- conflict settings. He combines academic research with policy work and strong grassroots experience. Previously, Gharibah worked as a governance advisor with Adam Smith International and GIZ, and a consultant for several national and international think tanks, focusing on the Syrian conflict.
He is also a member of the UN-backed Syrian Constitutional Committee, where he is a member of the drafting committee representing the Syrian Civil Society.

Key Publications:
- COVID-19 Pandemic: Syria’s Response and Healthcare Capacity. (March, 2020), London School of Economics and Political Science: http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/103841/
- An Analysis of Commonalities and Divergences of Syrian Constitutional Papers since 2011. (October, 2019), London School of Economics and Political Science: http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/102253/
- Progress in the Wrong Direction: the 2018 Local Elections in Syria. (February, 2019), London School of Economics and Political Science: http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/100171/
- Local Elections in Post-Agreement Syria: Opportunities and Challenges for Local Representation. (December, 2018), London School of Economics and Political Science: http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/100144/
- Perception of Governance: The Experience of Local Administrative Councils in Opposition-held Syria. (January, 2017), SwissPeace: https://www.swisspeace.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/pdf/Mediation/WOTRO_Report_The_Experience_of_Local_Administrative_Councils_in_Oppositionheld_Syria.pdf
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