يسعدنا في برنامج "الشرعيّة والمواطنة في العالم العربي" أن نعلن عن إطلاق بحث "تطور خريطة التقسيمات الادارية في سوريا: مئة عام من العلاقة الاشكالية بين المركز والمحليات" للباحثين زيدون الزعبي، عمر عبد العزيز حلاج، صهيب الزعبي و جاد حلاج. التقسيمات الإدارية...
Legitimacy and Citizenship in the Arab World
Recent publicationIraq’s Constitutional Moments and the Institutionalization of Iraq’s Constitutional Moments and the Institutionalization of Ethno-Sectarianism.
We are very pleased to announce the publication of a new paper by our research group member Jomana Qaddour. The paper titles “Iraq's Constitutional Moments and the Institutionalization of Iraq's Constitutional Moments and the Institutionalization of...
From Federalism to Hyper-centralisation: The History of Decentralisation in the Syrian Constitutions
We are pleased to announce our new publication “From Federalism to Hyper-centralisation: The History of Decentralisation in the Syrian Constitutions” by Dr Dr Zedoun Al Zoubi, Dr Rim Turkmani and Mazen Gharibah. The paper is now available in Arabic. The...
Local agreements as a process: the example of local talks in Homs in Syria
By: Dr Rim Turkmani Abstract The article sets out why it is important to conceptualise local agreements as a process of talks that have a value in their own right rather than as a discrete event reached on a particular date. Throughout this process the...
How local are local agreements? Shaping local agreements as a new form of third-party intervention in protracted conflict
By: Dr Rim Turkmani Based on two case studies from Syria, the article argues that unilateral external intervention in protracted conflicts is not only about military and financial support to one or other warring party. Unilateral external actors often...
Understanding local agreements in intractable conflicts
Understanding local agreements in intractable conflicts By Mary Kaldor, Marika Theros and Rim Turkmani We are pleased to announce the publication of a Peacebuilding Special Issue on local agreements in intractable conflicts. The special issue was edited...
Military and Politics in Syria (1946-1963): Alliances, Conflicts and Purges
Military and Politics in Syria (1946-1963): Alliances, Conflicts and Purges (Published on Vol 12, No.1 (2020) "Narratives of Transformation" of Syria Studies, the official journal of the Centre for Syrian Studies (CSS) at the University of St. Andrews) ...
Sectarianisation in Syria: the disintegration of a popular struggle
By Sami Hadaya freelance researcher and translator Abstract Ten years after the onset of the uprisings that swept many of the Arab countries very little change has been achieved. The reasons for that cannot be explained away with one or even...
Kurdish Political and Civil Movements in Syria and the Question of Representation
Kurdish Political and Civil Movements in Syria and the Question of Representation By Dr Mohamad Hasan Researcher with the Conflict and Civil Society Research Unit in the Department of International Development at the London School of Economics and...
The Syrian Constitutional Court: How Can it Become a Guarantor of Legitimacy and Citizenship?
In a series of new publications Dr Ibrahim Draji examines closely the crucial yet often neglected Supreme Constitutional Court, the course it has charted over the past century, its current statues and shortcomings and presents answers enlightened by...
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